Anybody who drives a Mercedes Benz station wagon is a douche bag. Period. End of discussion.
What a fucking waste. How fucking stupid.
I hate living in the suburbs.
We were out to dinner last night at Guapo’s in
We hesitated a bit and then decided not to ask for a different table, because it seemed they were finishing up, judging by the empty plates, scattering of sippy cups and other assorted detritus left on a table when a family with children dines out. And sure enough, it wasn’t long before they left. And so did the family of four – mom, dad, darling daughter and smashing son. We settled in for a nice, quiet Mexican dinner – our night out for the weekend. Our reward to making it through Another Week in Business.
Well almost no sooner had we received our drink order – which we sipped while we watch the busboy have to take a freaking BROOM to the floor underneath where the group table and the Movable Kindergarten had been – than the Woman With the Baby Carriage comes through the dining room. This wasn’t a little stroller, either. This was one of those fucking Winnebagoes that seems necessary these days for carting the Little Ones around. Only marginally smaller than a Mini-Cooper and just about as easy to maneuver in a crowded restaurant.
Probably something not unlike the one that illustrates this post – a $400 job I found on Froogle. It was BIG, Ok? You get the idea. Too big for a crowded Mexican Restaurant on a Saturday night in
But undeterred, she steered around, bumped and banged into every available table and finally settled in next to us. Where she proceeded to re-arrange the chairs at the neighboring tables to make room for the Winnebagoe and her infant. Said infant positioned, of course, so both she and Dad – when he arrived with cell phone in hand could gaze fondly throughout dinner at the newest gift to the entire fucking world.
As I was saying, I don’t actually hate the suburbs. I grew up in
But frankly, I could do with fewer fucking little kids around.
Oh, I have nothing against children. I have two granddaughters I love and assorted nieces and nephews, most of whom I am very fond of. I just don’t like having to spend as much time around them – and their, for the most part, pin-headed parents – as I have to.
I work all week. Pretty hard most of the time too. Owning a small advertising agency isn’t easy. Not by a long shot. There is plenty of stress to go around there, just trying to make a living and be happy doing it. So when I get home in the evening and when I wander around on the weekends, I want some peace and quiet. I don’t want to find a fucking bike or toy in my front yard. I don’t want to see fucking chalk drawings on the sidewalk in front of my house and I sure as hell don’t want to listen to fucking screaming, yelling children all around.